Physical therapy is the application and direction of treatments with the aim to restore normal body function that has been lost through illness or injury. That can mean restoring normal joint movement or muscle strength. This can be done with manual therapy such as massage and applying stretches, or providing and supervising an exercise program, much like a personal trainer would, but with the knowledge and expertise required to address an injury or medical diagnosis and ensure no harm is done during exercise.
A Physical Therapist has undergone university level post graduate degree to become licensed and qualified. They have spent time working along side health care professionals in hospitals and clinics to gain experience and knowledge of the conditions they will encounter. A Physical Therapist is the person best qualified to evaluate and treat people who require reduction of pain and restoration of normal movement, and have had other serious pathological reasons for their condition evaluated and ruled out.
Physical therapy treatment is largely covered by healthcare insurance providers. However, individual policies may or may not provide full coverage with all therapists, so it’s always a good idea to check before your first visit.