Did you know massage is effective for low back pain?

Massage applied to the low back is an effective treatment for low back pain. It reduces pain scores and is effective in the short term. This has been proven through large systematic reviews of many studies and this provides us with a clear guideline on how best to treat our patients (Furlan et al., 2015). Furthermore, the likelihood of experiencing a negative side effect from massage is low.

Massage in general is the application of the hands to manipulate the soft tissue, that is muscles, skin, fascia, tendons and ligaments. It has an effect at a cellular level that reduces the amount of pain impulses generated. This is one of the primary goals of therapy, especially in the early phases of rehabilitation, and therefore it’s an important tool for therapists to use.

There are many types of massage and some may be more applicable to certain conditions. You can consult your physical therapist for an evaluation to see if you would benefit from massage and which type.

At PT38 Physical Therapy we can evaluate your condition and provide the best physical therapy in New York. Get the best care and advice for your condition.