Arthritis, what is it?

The Terminology used in healthcare can be confusing. Different terms can be used for the same condition, especially when discussing inflammatory joint conditions. Terms like arthritis, spondylitis, synovitis, bursitis, enthesitis, effusion etc. are all used when it comes to inflammation in and around joints. Let’s clear up the confusion.

Arthritis is inflammation of a joint and encompasses many different diagnoses. Osteoarthritis is one of these diagnoses, it is the most common condition affecting our joints and usually occurs after 40 years old. However it may come about earlier in some people or after an injury or surgery to a joint. It is the degeneration of the surface and margins of a joint and results in permanent changes to the bony structure around that joint. It causes pain and stiffness and can result in muscle wasting and deformity of the joint such as thickening or changes in the shape of the ends of the bones. It most commonly affects the knees and hips and is not to be confused with Rheumatoid arthritis, which is a systemic autoimmune condition that affects many joints across the body.